The Good Feet Store
Retail Store
Market Position:
Good Feet sells custom-fit orthotic that helps people with foot pain as well as back and knee pain originating with the feet.
Direct Response
Background: The Good Feet Store has been helping people with foot-related pain for 20 years. Their custom-fit orthotic system is unique in the marketplace and very effective at relieving foot pain for the majority of sufferers. Because of their unique market position, and the presence of a lifetime warranty, there is very little residual sales. Every month begins fresh with a need for new customers.
Challenge(s): Because of the need for new customers every month there is a lot of pressure on advertising to keep pace with sales and growth expectations. When we first met the local franchisee the strategies that he had been advised to use by the franchisor were not effective enough and sales were below break even.
Strategy: It was determined that both the creative and the media schedule needed to be improved. The creative was 100% infomercials, and they were looking out of date. The reach was also extremely limited. New commercials were created and over 50% of the schedule was switched to traditional :30 second TV spots and :60 second radio.
Results: Within 90 days sales had increased almost 200%. Sales increases were not only maintained but have increased in the years since the initial campaign. Through referral, we are currently working in 41 markets for various franchisees.
Here is an example of the audio ad creative we’ve developed for The Good Feet Store.